TLDR; SN still has about 1100 active stacking users like two years ago, but total sats stacked per month has doubled to 0.1 Bitcoin. Even more impressive when realize value of Bitcoin has quadrupled since 2022.
In my last post, @k00b challenged me to “read the analytics.” Joke’s on him - I called his bluff! #712073
Looking at the 2022 Stacker News pitch deck every month had about a thousand users earning sats, and those users earned about 5 million sats total.

Two years later by September 2024 where are we at? Well @k00b has a fantastic open source analytics tool to let me don’t trust, verify!
Ultimately we’re still where we’re at two years ago with about 1,100 users earning sats in any given month. The big win here though is me using the word “we.” I’ve only been around just over a week (thanks to @grayruby referral) and I already feel like a cowboy! So while user growth is flat, it’s a testament to the resilience of the SN idea that this site hasn’t died.

Actually, we’ve DOUBLED in sats earned with user count constant. Now a whole 0.1 Bitcoin is earned by users every month! And the $USD value of Bitcoin now ($64k) has QUADRUPLED since then ($16k) so that makes it even more impressive!

But forget More like, WTF happened to SN Rewards in March 2024?!
Thank you @k00b for being on the bleeding edge of lightning!