while i'm not a tech person, or programmer, one thing bulgaria is actually decent for is IT stuff, a lot of the bigger tech firms hire in bulgaira. now to be fair, this is mostly concentrated in the capital and if you have been on a western IT salery, you might not be up for up, that being said, the cost of living is much lower
as for medical freedoms and sanity, pretty great. during covid we had a ton of people from Europe float over here that didn't want to get vaxxed and whatnot. school was closed for one week for the kids.
Bulgarians are naturally the government sceptics in many things. there's no woke stuff going on, no migration crisis. you can live your life and go with the flow.
a lot of people buy cheap houses in villages to be as self sustainable as possible.
two good things, if you are from the EU, you can get 5 year residence permit here within 2 weeks , you just need a few thousand euros in the bank. another good thing is tax is only like 10%.
Thanks for confirming these important things I kinda figured out reading old news! ;-)
A super cheap house that I can fix up in a village is a very real possibility, I've even seen some that have a well, that would be great!
I'd be OK with any salary that protect what Bitcoin I have now, and would be happy living on next to nothing if it can also bridge me into some new career. 2020 wrecked most things...
Now, lets see how the rest of this bull market pans out, that is what decides these things for me :-)
well i wish you the best. there are some youtube channels of brists that are renovating proper old houses, from bournmouth to Bulgaria is one. it's quite interesting , even for me who's been here a decade lol
Thanks! My only worry would be getting the legal stuff right, as long as I'd be able to do what I want I can easily rebuild most stuff, and hopefully in cheap, traditional ways :-)
All I'd want is a tiny house that is as simple as possible!
But that won't happen ever, anywhere, before I see how the whole WHO planetary power grab works out... Need to give that a few years to pan out.
when you live in the village, they are super lax on regulations, people just build whatever they want and legalise it if they get caught, which they don't usually because nobody pays attention lol there are some rules though like if you build an extra building, it doesn't count as a building as long as it doesn't have a toilet lol
if it ever got crazy here like in the UK or Germany or something, i'd have to start looking at some other place too that is bitcoin friendly and safe for the family
Hehe, cool!
If someone willing to fix up an old house is also welcome then its even better, I'd have no problem trying to help out old people a bit and so on too, if a stranger is welcome...