Whatever will happen the next weeks, months and years for those who survive at least we can't say its not damn interesting!

Complex choices

I'm totally OK here, but that is for now, and because of things like work permit and visa conditions I'll soon be on the move. And exactly when, where and for how long is up to geopolitics, really...
I do want to go to Nepal for 2-6 months soon, or maybe even longer. I have a connection to Tibetan Buddhism that is the main driver for that, but its not the only factor, which are these:
  • Easy visa conditions. You simply pay 120 bucks at the airport for 90 days, then do another 90 day by popping out of the country for a few days, if need be via bus into India, which has similar options. Its even possible to combine India, Nepal and a few days in another country to get to 365 days, all legal, above board, and affordable
  • I also have a good lead for a visa agent as well as a few very good contacts, at least one of whom is now going down the route of a business with 9 months business visa, which at least in theory can be extended to full time stays if it turns into a profitable business. Lots of moving parts here, so I totally have to be there for an extended period even to assess the viability. Education visa could also be an option, both come with access to accounts which would be great to get more resilient.
  • Cost. Its possible to really stretch your funds in Nepal, especially if you're OK with living in very simple ways like me. Hell, I'm literally aiming for at least a few days in a cave up in the Himalayas if I can manage! I simply feel at home, happy and relaxed there, and the lack of modern things like processed food actually is a great help!
  • Currency collapse. Although I would of course never wish this on all the hard working Nepalese the currency has been sliding, propping it up has failed, and it might collapse. If this happens I might be useful holding Bitcoin, maybe all of a sudden starting a real business might become a very realistic option, creating jobs in an environment like that would be great. But of course it would have to pay my bills there too...
  • Nepal is a great country that has managed to have more than a dozen cultures unite in a pragmatic way. It is wedged between two major powers, so it has to stay neutral. Also it is very much dependent on tourism, so its highly unlikely that all foreigners will suddenly be expelled as in Vietnam a while ago...
  • If I get to spend a longer period there I'll combine that with doing as much video content as possible. Although I started and ran an agency that delivered video productions to other businesses I need more personal, hands on experience, mainly in the editing department. This on its own can lead to some tiny, or even medium revenue stream.

Georgia, Armenia and Bulgaria

Now that we see the BRICS actually get ready to go online for real I'm looking for options outside of Nepal and India. This is partly in order to have a way to handle the end of air travel super worst case, and/or to have a way out of Asia if another scamdemic gets rolling.
Georgia and Armenia are in the Russian orbit. It seems to me that their governments are trying to fight this, there is for sure meddling from the US deep state, but so far these forces are not really winning.
Of course they might turn into war zones at relatively short notice, but when you spend a while each day following real news that should be manageable.
On a longer timescale I bet that both Georgia and Armenia will end up in the Russian/BRICS camp, and getting a foothold there would be a great strategic move.
I also have very easy access for 180 and even 365 days, taking off all pressure around visas. For Georgia setting up a company is both easy and a good solution anyway, so I'll get around to that if conditions allow.
A foothold in this region will probably also be a good way of "bridging" the collapsing West with the BRICS sphere, hopefully being able to get revenue going from both if needed.
Bulgaria is also more or less in the Russian camp culturally and spiritually, although formally that is of course not the case. Its within Schengen, which would give even a Rebel Nomad like me access to the fiat mines super worst case...
Medical freedom
Another very important thing for me is that at least Bulgaria allowed for a lot of medical freedom compared to many batshit insane, totalitarian states within the EU. The percentage of the population that didn't allow themselves to be poisoned is as high as 70%, maybe higher if the medical profession was on the side of the people, sanity and humanity rather than just following orders.
Would I be able to connect into the culture, get a job or start a company, and even thrive? Well, we'll know if and when I arrive there!
And such is the life of a Rebel Nomad, gotta go where you can thrive through WW3 and the coming, totalitarian reset... Or collapse, which might be easier to deal with ;-)
BRICS is effectively shorthand for under Chinese control. Russia is today only still a viable economy and capable of invading Ukraine because of the support from China. www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/russia-and-china-unveil-a-pact-against-america-and-the-west
Do you really believe anything published by the New Yorker???
Besides all the other delusions and agendas the perspective these mental midgets might have is for sure 100% captured by fiat, GPD "thinking"...
China is also totally tied up with the US, be it exports or bonds. Russia has built up something that is very resilient, and that translates into staying power & influence long term in the post petrodollar world.
Yeah it will be tough for everyone, but at least the last shreds of respect publications like this will be gone forever!
im in bulgaria and i can tell you that, generally, older people lean towards the russian sphere and younger tend to lean to the eu spehere.
but threre's also younger people that love russia and hate the us and eu politics
you always get this tho, people that hate us imperialism then unironically end up sucking on russian imperialism.
however, on a daily basis, you wont notice politics, you can live your life and never get into it, enjoy the pace of life and lack of culture wars and gun and knife crime
Thanks for your reply!
Who knows, I might even end up in Bulgaria myself! Especially if the jobs market for IT and related fields is good, maybe even including part time remote?
Or I might end up setting up a company, come to think of it I have a few connections from the open source world that would be in Bulgaria or close...
In principle I'm all for distributing as much power as possible, but in the real world one might have to go for some compromises of course.
Would you have any comments around medical freedom & sanity there too perhaps? For me this part is by far the most important :-)
When I was in Nepal, a long time ago, I found the traveling on a shoestring books from Lonely Planet a great resource. It gives you tips on where to go and what to see whilst stretching your resources to the limits. I also used them in India, Pakistan and throughout Southeast Asia.
Sure, saved our asses after getting assaulted by bus robbers in India in 94!
And of course it was me bringing a copy that solved that problem, not our somewhat native tour leader haha...
These days Facebook is where it is at, good thing that I have several accounts spread across different VMs on QubesOS super worst case, if that lizard demon bans me I'll still have access!
Got one offer of a simple room at ~120 bucks a month already, around double of that is common and easy.