Cultural genocide is not genocide if people choose to adopt the stuff of the other culture. Much of the western culture is not "imposed" on others, it's adopted by individuals who enjoy it. Even in muslim countries who claim it's imposed, a lot of the adoption of western culture is from individuals who just enjoy it and want to emulate it and live it. That's not genocide.
Anyway. This is not a degrading society;
You really need to do some reading starting with The Opium Wars and going on to Allende in Chile, Massadagh in Iran and Sukarno in Indonesia and the one million Indonesians killed on order from the CIA. Assassinating democratically elected leaders, murdering citizens and installing obedient puppets- this is what the West has done- this is what the USA has done...and yes those nations and their peoples are traumatised by the violence, theft and murder of the western imperialists. The west has been brutal and methodical in its capture and control of global resources- almost no culture has not been subjugated- the more fortunate ones simply have limited resources of interest to the imperialists and are the least impacted although they were often still taken as slaves. The 'rights and freedoms' of the west are built upon the theft, murder, rape, pillage and enslavement of all other nations and cultures.