Too many men are weak, afraid, and unable to protect themselves, let alone their families. No matter where I go, I see weak, frail, fat, emotionally-feminine men. At work, it's gossiping. Out and about, it's literal frailty and obesity. Rarely do I see a man that I think, "I'd want him in the trenches with me." It's absolutely pitiful.
Benching half your bodyweight would probably put you in the top 25% of male strength standards. Not having a protruding gut would put you in the top 5%. Finishing a 1/4 mile jog around a track would probably put you in the top 1%.
What the fuck has happened to our men?
No wonder countries are falling apart - especially within the USA. Law enforcement walks all over us. Judges buddy-up with anyone within the government and protect each other. People used to be SKINNED for this shit and we let it happen every. single. day. Thousands of times per day.
Pay attention to the people within your surroundings. You shouldn't be as weak as they are, both physically and mentally. Pay attention to what's happening. Governments, who are supposed to "serve" us, not only extort us, but are actively ignoring us, sending "money" to other countries and ignoring travesties here.
Get your ass in shape. Cultivate your hate for corrupt government actors and get connected with others who are like-minded.
Regardless of where you live, within the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence lies the answer to all of our problems.
Are you married? Do you have kids? Got marketable skills and a stable source of income?
Agreed! I think some of the problems is that there are too many creature comforts nowadays.. I honestly think it is all quick and easy dopamine, fast food on every corner, porn in everyones finger tips, junk food in our grocery stores, and TVs in every room of the house.
I think the way to change this is to remove oneself from many of the vices that society has put onto us. Hard to do when most of the people you surround yourself with have these vices, but it definitely is something ALL men should look inward about.
Don’t forget the hyper obsession with sports
The food supply is poisoning us all- the micro plastics, the hormone equivalents, the pesticides and herbicides and insecticides and multiple other contaminants. And the food is deliberately structured to addict consumers to the fatty, sugar drenched shit that it is. Grow your own food or at least source naturally grown chemical free - as much as is now possible given massive environmental contamination. And feminism- the religion of sameness- men and woman are not the same- for good reasons, but the modern environment allows increasingly dilution and confusion. Western liberal democracies are dying, corrupted from within. China is rising to impose its own version of global resource and cultural hegemony.
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @ET_AI 3 Oct
Based on my observations, the strongest, most effective men are quite in tune with their softer side. This gives them better intuition and compassion. Which is a broader perspective. An actualized man channels this and his masculine gifts in a masculine way. Being able to feel the ocean of emotion, without being swept away. More information to act on. This is divine masculine as I understand it.
Governments, who are supposed to "serve" us, not only extort us, but are actively ignoring us, sending "money" to other countries and ignoring travesties here.
When your mind is conquered, you are conquered even if you are Zeus, Hercules, Thor, Samson or Goliath. Look around you, you could see that fiat has been used to capture the minds of almost everyone. All the "superheroes"—Avengers, Superman, Spiderman, Commandor, Rambo, etc.— couldn't save us from the tyranny of Covid19 villains, simply because they too are under lockdowns. To wage war of any form, money is the driving force, and he who controls the money controls everyone else.
Now, that is why my bitcoin private keys means everything to me. The rest you know.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @mf 3 Oct
For a moment I thought you were about to warn that a conquered mind is all that needs to be fought. No captain america is coming, nor there's a captain america to be saved.
Seek and aim to get your own sovereignthy, not the saving of your group flag. Get the first right and the second will follow.
I agree, very true. We can only stand and better ourselves, being an example! praying for our culture to allow GOD back in again!
Men need to man up to save the most of the western world, not just America!
Its a paradox, caus if everyone is as you say, then there is nothing worth saving? So why man up? :)
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @mf 3 Oct
What you seem to be calling for, is the saving of the individual, not the flag.
Oje, someone got a morning cup of testosteron instead of coffee.
Ecclesiastes 7:10 Do not say, “Why is it that the former days were better than these?” For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this.
The west is in clear cultural decline- or do you say its not?
Define cultural decline
Reduced unity of belief, increased breakdown of family structures, dysfunctional food supply and resultant obesity epidemic, increasing inequality, corrupt political system owned by corporate sponsors, fiat money, rampant inflation, chronic trade deficits chronic fiscal deficits, emphasis on consumption while ever increasing citizen and government debt due to lack of productivity- ie an economy and culture that consumes more than it produces.
There's an excellent book called "The Geography of Genius". One of the points is that much of the things you mention are exactly the environment in which geniuses such as Mozart or Beethoven, Socrates, etc etc are forged in. These environments push humanity forward. Especially the reduced unity of belief. That's a huge positive. Although like it says in the book, it's unpleasant, not fun to live in, but highly beneficial to society and humanity. It's not comfortable though.
It's not society.... it's specific areas of society that have the family breakdown etc. There are other places doing really well. I mean gosh, folks might think all years after bitcoin were a cultural incline, when they look back through the eye of history.
You have never experienced the defeat of your nation state in conflict with other nations. People and countries that have experienced such defeat and enslavement under imperialism have a very different view. They do not take for granted the wealth and privilege that goes with resource hegemony and the rise of individualism that goes with it and which often leads to cultural decline and eventually end of empire.
There's something in what you just said; I have not experienced it. People and countries that have experienced such defeat and enslavement are usually hegemonic. Sure, it's more comfortable. But it's weaker.
The rise of individualism gives power for individuals to contribute. Collective societies tend to fall behind. That's what happens when you trample the rights of individuals.
Being defeated leaves that nation under the hegemony of the nations who triumphed over them. The hegemony is imposed upon them. That is the nature of hegemony. Hegemonic Western powers have trampled on the rights of other cultures and their citizens for centuries and the superior individual 'rights' enjoyed by citizens of western nations are built upon that cultural genocide and resource hegemony imposed by the west. The west is now in decline with individuals within it valuing their 'rights' more highly than the national structure, unity and dominance which enabled those 'rights'. There is a delicate balance required between what people demand of their government and what people are prepared to contribute in return. People too long in the dominant position forget the importance of unity and contribution to the common good.
Standing ready. See you on the other side of this brother. God bless.
You should read The Fourth Turning
Did you read the rewrite he did for 2024 he just dropped it.
I haven't, didn't know about it thanks
Great book to blend with the changing world order by Ray dalio And 5000years of debt.
Haven't read his book but watched this a while back
Great stuff. He's book on principles is fire
I'll check it out, thanks
This sounds similar to darth. I do have to agree with you, this generation is pretty weak.
All generations are weak. It's just that the strong ones are the ones who have a memory that persists through time, so people think previous generations were better. They weren't. Humans are human.
No, I feel some generations are stronger.
Well, feelings are always an excellent indicator of truth. By all means, carry on.
Oh? Like the one that stole from us by taking us off the gold standard, knew they were screwing us over, and did not give a shit?