Found this thanks to Pledditor on X. Transcript via @cascdr:
So on El Salvador, IMF staff have ongoing, an ongoing engagement with the Salvadorian authorities, and the objective is to reach agreement on a new IMF supported program, that would, help with, the macroeconomic stabilization and adjustment and also, growth enhancing reforms. Ongoing discussions are focused on policies to strengthen reforms that can be used to boost productivity and economic governance. Addressing risks arising from Bitcoin, is a key element of of these discussions. And, of course, the goal is is, for the fund to be in a position to support a credible and well sequenced policy package that is, designed by the, by the authorities. With respect to the the details on, on bitcoin, what we have recommended is a narrowing of the scope of the bitcoin law, strengthening the regulatory framework and oversight of the bitcoin ecosystem, and limiting, the public sector exposure, to, to bitcoin.
I miss 1995
Two years ago I used lightning for the first time. I'm not really tech savvy, but over two years of reading, listening, moving through various wallets, LSPs and channels, trying to wrap my head around it all. I finally run my own lightning node, backend my own mobile wallets and verify all my transactions.
Gradual progress. Banks be damned.
This is the way
124 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 11h
"Growth enhancing reforms" seems unnecessary, and a solution looking for a problem. What about the case of a sovereign nation happily exploring its own growth trajectory, without external interference, maximising the benefit to its population? Really.
It's no surprise. Even IMF's existence is under threat due to Bitcoin. What does IMF do after all except lending dollars and taking it back with interest. Now when they realize the potential of Bitcoin, they are fuming.
"Designed by the authorities" - really???
Hating the Bitcoin strategy
sounds like a threat
They are only looking to put bureaucratic processes to the Bitcoin revolution that Bukele has started in El Salvador, which has catapulted this country and made it a world reference in Bitcoin.