Let's Play Two
Chicago Cubs legendary shortstop Ernie Banks once said "It's a great day for a ball game, let's play two!"
That's exactly what the NY Mets and Atlanta Braves will be doing today. Every other team in the league has completed their 162 game schedule, but due to Hurricane Helene the Mets and Braves had two games cancelled last week and need to play them as there is a 3 way tie between these two teams and the Arizona Diamondbacks for the final two wild card spots.
If the teams split today's double header, which seems like the mostly likely outcome, both the Mets and Braves will get wild card spots and the DBacks will be on the outside looking in. However, if either team sweeps the doubleheader, the losing team will be out and the DBacks will be in.
I would imagine the team that wins the first game, knowing they are in will rest some players in the second game, which is why I think a split is most likely but stranger things have happened.
I am looking forward to the action. I will post the First Round pick 'em for the MLB Playoff Pick 'em point challenge as soon as we know which teams are in.
Sats for all, GR
As an eternal pessimist, I can see the Mets losing two today. Historically, playing in Atlanta has been disastrous for blue and orange.
If Atlanta wins game one, I really don't seem them playing their starters in game 2. That being said, it is still possible to lose to back ups.
I think you guys are just overly pessimistic because your Jets laid a big egg yesterday.
It's all part of a giant ball of anger, disappointment and hopelessness.
ruh roh. 2 run bomb for Albies.
This is perhaps the first time I will not be zapping one of your replies.
63 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 30 Sep
I zapped him for you
Haha. I had something similar last year when the 49ers were playing the Packers in the playoffs. I forget who it was but I said "sorry can't zap this". Haha.
If the Mets come back to win, the three of you each get zapped 1000 sats. Root hard! (I don't think I'll be paying off)
You just made a Mets fan out of me. I cannot turn down some sweet sats.
What an inning.
No chickens will be counted before they break through that shell.
Pretty much what I was going to say.
Pessimist or just a Mets fan?
I've been looking forward to this game with great anticipation, this game between the New York Mets and the Atlanta Braves. Come on Mets, I know this season is yours.
The first game has ended and the Mets won.
I would imagine the team that wins the first game, knowing they are in will rest some players in the second game, which is why I think a split is most likely but stranger things have happened.
I don't think, they'll do it. They can rest the players in game as well by exchange I think. Am I right?
I do think whoever wins game 1 will rest some players in game 2. They have to travel after the game and play on the road starting tomorrow with no off days until Friday. They probably can't rest everyone but they will definitely put some backups in.
I see. In how much time the game is on?
Let’s go cubs
Cubs next game is March 31 2025