i went to learn more about greenpeace and this is their issues.
We've been campaigning for a green and peaceful future for 50 years — with many wins along the way. Yet, today, we’re in the fight of our lives. The inequitable system laid bare by Covid-19 is the same one that has landed us in a climate and extinction crisis. Going back to normal is not an option. It's time to rise up like never before and fight for our climate and communities.
I am honestly appalled. They are just one step away from becoming militant at this point. Which is funny and sad considering they are called Greenpeace. But becoming militant is what happens when you double and triple down on "science"
In other news the great barrier reef continue seeing record growth The rhine water levels are returning to normal Polar bear numbers continue to grow and so on.
Polar bear numbers are not growing in the wild. Don't spread lies. Their habitat is also being destroyed by rising sea temperatures thanks to human caused climate change. Why are you okay with right wing groups that want to kidnap elected officials over COVID restrictions but you'd be against a group becoming militant in the hopes of saving our planet and our species as a whole? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
not sure if you are serious but to those who are curious
a new report by evolutionary biologist Dr. Susan Crockford reveals that the global population of polar bears is “now almost 30,000 – up from 26,000 in 2015.”
As time has passed, however, we have learned more details of the alleged plot. Apparently there were 12 FBI informants involved in the plot.