for those who don't know, bitcoin derangement syndrome is a state where people have a very strong negative emotional reaction to bitcoin.
the reddit thread buttcoin is full of them and it's quite fascinating.
it seems just the existence of btc is a threat to their mental financial model and it drives them crazy because bitcoin simply doesn't go away.
the other half seem to be people that maybe bought at the top and paper hand sold at a loss
have you guys come across someone like this in real life?
Interesting... Actually no, never, I cut all the sheeple free in 2020, figured I could not afford hanging around with slaves any longer!
Curiously, I have encountered both specimens and at some point in the journey I have been both.
A. That person who does not have Bitcoin, has never touched it, or has read a book about it, those who have not even heard of the YouTube channel talking about Bitcoin, and yet when you mention the subject to them they have reactions like "I heard it's a scam", "it's not backed by any government" or the classic "That's for people with money". Immediately you feel like saving them, as if they were someone adrift in the ocean... while you! with your little boat ๐Ÿ›ถ pass by them, But immediately you understand that there is no room in the boat and that they must build their own, plus in many cases it is mega complicated to explain to them and make them understand that the money we use daily, in which they and almost everyone else store their work energy is just paper or digital numbers in an account issued by a third party, which can make everything disappear in an instant of a shooting star ๐Ÿ’ซ.
B. On the other hand, we find those who once bought when the price was high and then in a correction or the beginning of a Bear ๐Ÿป Market in the past they sold in panic when they saw the price go down, being victims of the manipulation that they do to small traders. So this has been a bad experience for them, since in their short understanding of how real money works, in their minds they assume that they lost money by having bought high and sold low. And this distances them and keeps them distant, unless you get interested and study you will probably stay there for a while. And this is complicated and is not criticizable because as they say out there "He who does not know, is like he who cannot see" by not knowing how the world, the economy and money work, by default we assume that buying at 50k and selling at 40k is losing money, theoretically at a certain point it is! But there is another component of bitcoin, those who speculate in the short term. What I am trying to say is that this is another manipulation game that we are faced with when we first come to bitcoin. "Price" and "Volatility".
Considering that most of us came here with a wrong approach, that of "making more money" and we translate that into fiduciary terms (buying at 10k and selling at 80k) and obviously that doesn't work out for you even if you make a successful transaction. The true meaning that I found in bitcoin obviously after going through those other stages, is that bitcoin is the best refuge of vital energy that the average citizen could ever have in almost the last 100 years. In the old days, even if you were the most peasant ๐Ÿงบ son of nobody, if you were lucky and with work or cunning you got a piece of Gold ๐Ÿฅ‡or ๐Ÿฅˆ Silver, and then you buried it next to your favorite tree ๐ŸŒณ on your land. You were certain that that energy and purchasing power would remain there safe and sound for the next 10, 30, or 50 years. But by inventing and exporting the traditional banking system to every corner of the towns and cities, little by little they convinced everyone to deposit there, then they brought the FIAT system with the papers and restricted access to hard money much more, and they gave us, the common people, papers, since then they stripped us of the ability to store energy from our effort and work, without the ability to store purchasing power!
That ability was returned to humanity and against all odds, I imagine it to be something like Prometheus who, against the gods, gave fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ to humans, Satochi Nakamoto was our Prometheus giving Bitcoin ๐ŸŠ to Humanity against the Gods of Today (The Globalist Elites that dominate the scarce wealth of the World)
the ones who are most angry seem to be the ones who had some and panic sold OR the ones who could have bought early, didn't, then saw it moon from a few dollars to the crazy highs. these people want to see it fail so they feel better about missing the winning lottery ticket
I totally agree with you, my friend. But the most ironic thing is that their ignorance and anger do not allow them to see that the ticket ๐ŸŽซ to salvation is there at hand, that it is still easy to acquire and is available to all who seek it.
My simple message to all buttcoiners:
I think we have all met these kind of people. You cant change their opinion on bitcoin, so it isnt worth it to talk to them about it. Just dont let them ruin your party.
what gets me is their emotional reaction to something that they arent even using. like you don't see with other asset classes. it would be like snp500 people starting a sub called FUCK GOLD where they just rag on on gold all the time. so weird
Never met any. I just stay humble, stacking sats, no matter what.
What if it is just a plain old tribalism?
it's for sure part of it, that's usually from like, eth maxis or goldbugs tho
the other half is just people straight up hating bitcoin because they think only drug users have it and because it's fake internet money and because young people have become rich off it
Well, as teens we tribally hated a certain genre of music, so... :)
people like that systematically and ruthlessly get eliminated from my trust circle... a trust can be written, spoken, or implied.
my relationship with those people may be reduced to a strict set of guidelines/boundaries.
that's not to mean that if they do not have trust in bitcoin the concept they cannot be my trustee. the fact that i am a bitcoiner makes opposition to bitcoin an opposition to my state of mind, and therefore an opposition to my trust.
the state of mind that thinks about bitcoin is knowledge, logic, and ultimately wisdom. this has been repeatedly demonstrated thru actions of bitcoiners i know.
Yes. I think the best way to combat it is to not act like John McAfee or whatever crazy image they have in their minds. Be calm and reasonable but firm. That's enough to fuck with their heads.
bitcoin derangement syndrome Didnโ€™t know the term but Iโ€™ve seem them around!
Here we have such an element on SN, a BDS guy: #704629
he just looks like a regualr shitcoiner, i usually see the derangement syndrome people hating on btc and crypto , sometimes (probably often!) not knowing the difference
I use lightning more frequently than I use any other cryptocurrency. I'm just a realist and not a brainwashed maxi with unreasonable expectations for Bitcoin.