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I wish my guidance councillor told me that shit-posting on SN/nostr was a career option. On my math, @k00b has made about USD $63,000 in sats from his territories.
Well done, sir. Inspirational.
Another misconception about SN.
This one is good!
One can dream...
I will stole it. Is good.
Knowledge in what? What right wing conspiracy theory and lies you guys spew on here on a daily basis? That's not knowledge, that's attempted indoctrination.
You misinterpret the stats. That’s how much people participating in those territories have earned. What I’ve earned is listed as revenue.
I never was good at math...whatever the number is, congrats. The site is great and the concept is fantastic.
I was just thinking today that SN is better than hopping on Nostr where the problem is finding interesting content and people to follow.
plus the only people getting zaps are the already-famous people.
Forums are relatively flat identity wise. It’s one of the best things about them aside from linear conversations.
I think same too. Especially, I find SN to be an excellent site to learn bitcoin.
I find that tiktok is good for that. There's even people on there that are extremist right wingers so you'll probably fit right in.
Everything is extreme right when you're standing on the far left. Cheer up mate. As you nostriches say, pura vida.
I'm actually pretty far left but I can admit that. The problem is your side can't admit how far right you are and how behind the times you are. You guys watch fox news and own and newsmax and think you're getting the real facts and news, when in fact you're getting spun and indoctrinated. When we watch MSNBC we realize we are getting a leftist version of the news and we seek other neutral outlets (they do exist,even though you guys don't think they do.) to compare narratives and get the actual truth.
Wait, I think we should do that math on that so you can see how rich he is. k00b spends all his time on this site. So how many years is that? And how many hours do you think he works in a year? Multiply those numbers together. Then take $63,000 divided by that number. Wow....he is rich. I am being sarcastic...just so you realize...
Fair. I'll boost him some more. I am not jealous...I swear...hah
Its especially funny because not only do I:
  1. Lose money as a user of the site
  2. The company also spends a couple hundred thousand dollars per year (mostly on salaries) that it doesn’t earn back at all yet
I guess my guidance councillor didn't lead me astray...rooting for this site to become profitable.
What I meant is the time that you actually put into this passion project doesnt equate the monetary value you could earn somewhere else. Im sure if you did this calculation, you would probably be earning pennies an hour.
Definitely and you’re right- money is the least meaningful form of payment one can get.
I do find this comical.

Shitposting For Sats

A poem.
Where the roosters and chickens go, The grass is very green If they are not couped up If you know what I mean!
No one takes the time To police the cocks and hens They go on eating and pecking And eventually defecating.
Lisbon, Portugal Park
Stacker News it’s not about earning money/sats, but earning knowledge. That’s why it is a great forum.
Lol, from who? And Most of the people on here are far right politically and don't care about the truth. They only care about conspiracy theories and taking the words of trump and treating them like the words of God.
That’s one way to grind lol
If u do what u love u never work a day in ur life lol
you have to take the risk of 3 mil sats to open the territory though and then if not many people post, presumably you wouldn't make much. don't know if there other associated costs with running it tho
quite interesting
What the fuck?! This guy has really come far from the old days of when Stacker news was brand new and the volume was low. But sometimes I wish for those good ol days. Well done, @k00b. Well done. You should share a little bit with me. I work two jobs and still barely make ends meet. 🤮
Open some PRs on SN and he’ll pay you