I am a patient doctor. A doctor by profession and a diabetic patient due to heredity and bad decisions, knowing that they were wrong. Today I don't really use any sugar substitute, I use raw sugar and in the right quantities it doesn't hurt me. Of course my fundamental diet is based on obtaining energy from natural vegetable fats. But I don't substitute sugar, I don't like the flavors of sweeteners and honey changes the taste of things for me. The only substitute I would use would be FRUCTOSE, a pentose type sugar that is beneficial for diabetics.
If you are Type 2 diabetic, what is stopping you from eating a carnivore diet for six weeks and cure your condition?
That question has two answers.
The first is that where I live meat is prohibited. Not because of religious beliefs, not because of animal diseases. BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE AND WHEN THEY DO APPEAR THEY HAVE A VALUE THAT EXCEEDS MY PURCHASE CAPACITY.
Second answer: Diabetes as a chronic non-communicable disease is controllable but not curable, unless some procedures are performed and a high protein diet is not exactly the solution, at least as far as I have investigated.
In any case, ketogenic diets are more appropriate due to the explained elements of obtaining energy from fats and slowing down gastric emptying, elements that reduce the pathological appetite of the diabetic patient. And the consequent reduction in weight, especially abdominal fat with the well-known resistance to insulin and which is the genesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus.