The last poll I posted was about caffeine intake #693765 It sparked some great conversations about people's favorite ways to enjoy coffee and other tasty drinks. I learned a lot. Sugar came up in quite a few instances. It seems most people agree that processed sugar is pretty harmful to our health overall. Today, there are so many alternatives to sugar, both synthetic and natural. It's hard to know which ones are best. Which ones are best for our health? What do you use in the place of sugar? Why? Is it the taste? When baking, do alternatives even work in that case?
I use sugar. There is no substitute.32.0%
Maple Syrup0.0%
Sweet N Low0.0%
Other, enlighten me down below ๐Ÿ‘‡20.0%
25 votes \ 3 days left
Other: There is no need for an alternative at all.
I like honey in my coffee and tea, even having honey on toast or pancakes works.
I like honey a lot, but I'm not sure I actually use it as an alternative to sugar, since I never put sugar in my coffee or on my granola.
My favorite true alternative to sugar is xylitol, which a dentist recommended a long time ago. From what I've read it actually helps with enamel repair. It might give you some digestive issues if you consume a ton of it, but I never ran into that.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @398ja 3h
Will upset your stomach quickly.
It's honey.
I donโ€™t add sugar to anything so I donโ€™t have an alternative per se. I guess the closest would be putting maple syrup on pancakes or jam on toast.
If my wife bakes she just uses regular sugar.
Nothing, actually... Getting to that stage took a loooong time, and for the time being I'm using things like erythritol and stevia, but the plan is to get back to plain nothing again ASAP :-)
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @jst 4h
I think there is nothing that really replaces the taste of sugar no matter how much you try to imitate it. Believe me, I had to drink coffee with honey and I personally don't like it hahaha
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @BTCLNAT 5h
I am a patient doctor. A doctor by profession and a diabetic patient due to heredity and bad decisions, knowing that they were wrong. Today I don't really use any sugar substitute, I use raw sugar and in the right quantities it doesn't hurt me. Of course my fundamental diet is based on obtaining energy from natural vegetable fats. But I don't substitute sugar, I don't like the flavors of sweeteners and honey changes the taste of things for me. The only substitute I would use would be FRUCTOSE, a pentose type sugar that is beneficial for diabetics.
If you are Type 2 diabetic, what is stopping you from eating a carnivore diet for six weeks and cure your condition?
I tried to sweeten a coffee with honey and it didn't work out, it was taking syrup, I don't recommend
I like my coffee creamy but not sweet. With hot tea, I like a little honey sometimes.
I have always used honey or caya molasses to sweeten my morning coffee โ˜• it really is delicious and natural.
I like honey pretty well. Don't know the other one. Will those work with cooking and baking applications?
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 5h
I think using very little sugar is better than using a synthetic alternative. One of my favorite guilty treat providers is Unreal. They make trad-like chocolate candy but use a fraction of the sugar and no artificial sweetener to replace it.
I love chocolate so this is great information for me. I find a lot of things are over sweetened these days. Just a little sweetness goes a long way. I imagine real sugar is better than many of the alternatives at least. Fake stuff often leaves me feeling unsatisfied and then I just want more. I sometimes get dark chocolates and it's okay.... But I may need to check out the unreal chocolates. They look tasty. Thanks
Say no to sugar. We unintentionally consume enough sugar through other foods daily.
When you cut sugar from your life you get rid of addiction. You just eat meat and all other great meals. No need to inject junk food to your body
Your should try to understand it
I like my sugar, no substitutes