It seems inevitable that hyper inflation of the US dollar will happen sooner or later. The hard part is predicting exactly when or how that will play out though. One might even argue it's already happening but we're still in the 'slowly' part of 'slowly then suddenly'.
People that get hurt most by hyperinflation are typically those that hold most of their wealth in the currency being inflated. That's not the case for Saylor so he'll probably be okay. Although, there might be second order effects like a 6102 attack, capital controls or other regulations that make it difficult for MicroStrategy to move their holdings. But don't forget, Saylor has also said he holds about 17,000 BTC in his personal stash which he probably has in self custody so even if MicroStrategy gets burnt he personally will still be extraordinarily wealthy.
As for banks, I agree the current fractional reserve, lender of last resort, bailout model won't work on a Bitcoin standard. But I don't think banks will cease to exist entirely. They'll more likely transform onto a different model more like the old traditional lending models of the past.
That's my opinion for what it's worth, but again predicting the future, especially many decades out is fraught with speculation. I try to not let my emotions about what I want to cloud my decisions and instead just do my best to understand the current state of the world.
That all makes sense to me. I didn't know he had that much personal stash. No one can predict what is coming but I have a feeling it's going to be stranger than we can imagine and rip our faces off. I am just grateful to be out here off grid with my little mining setup. I feel as prepared as I can be. I know I have no interest in banks, politics and all that anymore. I only can take care of myself and my family. It's going to get even more interesting I think.