
Claiming a sovereign territory is deemed to be the most relevant step toward self-governance and, therefore, toward independence. This detailed guide, is a small summary redacted from the research compiled by faculty members at the NEU School of Natural Law-discipline of Self-Governance. It shall lead you through steps that must be taken in order for your land to be established as a sovereign territory.
If you so choose to… You are about to participate in one of the most important actions of your life experience in service of this beloved planet earth: the cutting-edge of sovereign-expression and consciousness-in-action.

But Why Claim a Sovereign Territory?

By declaring a sovereign territory, one is literally declaring the right to self-governance and, therefore, independence from other powers. It is designed for individuals and family groups; however, communities, tribes, and nations will need to adapt the process to suit their own particular purpose.
I'll summarize below, the following steps may help you to establish your land as a Sovereign Territory.
NOTE: It is HIGHLY recommended that YOU research in-depth ALL steps, and continue to do so while seeking counsel during this seminal process! Depending on your geographical location things may are a bit different and harder to get.
The process for claiming a Sovereign Territory is generally intended for individuals and family groups. If you are a larger community group, tribe or nation, secession will likely take a different form. Consider reading How to Start Your Own Micronation!

The Steps to Claiming a Sovereign Territory

  1. Create a Private Pure Trust Declaration
The first thing to do in claiming a sovereign territory is to prepare a Private Pure Trust Declaration. This is your deed of trust between you and your land where you declare that you are the owner of the land and responsible before it. File this declaration in your local records office. Obtain a certified copy of the record with stamp/seal from the record office.
  1. Claim of Right
Once the Private Pure Trust Declaration is drawn up, you'll have to go down to your local records office and file what's called a Claim of Right. This gives notice that you have a right of self-governance and autonomous control over your land. Obtain from them a certified copy of the record bearing the stamp/seal of the record office.
  1. Publish Public Notice of Your Claim
Giving Public Notice in the National Gazette: Your claim must be given public notice in the national gazette in order for this to be made official. This will make your claim publicly known and secure your position as a sovereign over your land.
  1. Cancel Registration of Land
You no longer recognize foreign authorities that would arbitrarily register your land since you are now a sovereign territory. Complete the process by canceling the registration of your land in the local records office.
  1. Record of Establishment of a Sovereign Territory
Create a Record of Establishment of a Sovereign Territory, outlining the actions you have undertaken in claiming your territory. You will mail this document to the former presumed holder of the territorial rights to officially declare your sovereignty.

In a Nutshell

Claiming a sovereign territory is quite an ambitious process, requiring careful preparation and diligence in execution. Take care to study each step thoroughly and adapt to particular conditions that may present to you, and don't be afraid to ask for advice where needed.
You'll ask, why in the ~AGORA? Well, if you are a free-market bro, you should understand that there is no free market without freedom (not liberty), sovereignty, responsibility and independence. It's a long journey... and this territory just feel the more appropriate to post about it.
If you have any experience, consider sharing about it below!
Additional to this:
The Convention on the Rights and Duties of States is an international treaty signed in Montevideo, Uruguay, on December 26, 1933.
The convention establishes the definition of the State, its rights and obligations.
In Article 1 it establishes four characteristic criteria of a State that have become part of customary international law.
They have been recognized as confirmation in International Law, establishing that a State as a person of International Law must meet the following requirements:
The State as a subject of International Law must meet the following requirements:
I. – Permanent population.
II. —Determined territory.
III. -Government.
IV. —Ability to enter into relations with other States.
Under these guidelines, any entity that meets these criteria can be considered a sovereign state under international law, whether or not it has been recognized by other states.
The political existence of the state is independent of its recognition by other states.
Even before being recognized, the State has the right to defend its integrity and independence.
The recognition of the State may be express or tacit. The latter results from any act that implies the intention to recognize the new State.
The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations is an international treaty that regulates diplomatic relations between countries and the immunity of diplomatic personnel. It was adopted on April 18, 1961 in Vienna (Austria) and entered into force on April 24, 1964. It was supplemented in 1963 by the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. 174 States belong to the Convention and in the States that have not signed the document, its provisions apply as customary international law.
I want to visit Liberland one day! Love what they did to claim a sovereign territory focused on free markets, libertarianism and freedom.
This is great to know. Very helpful. Thank you 💚