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Yeah apparently I may have to stick with month to month payment methods are failing for me for 3M sats
Did you try a swap-in service like with boltz.exchange? You can pay onchain but SN gets paid on lightning.
Fees don't look too bad right now:
edit: Oh, just saw you already tried in #689875
Where have you been hiding? You missed you pick in the pool last week and tanked your 10k sat buy in. Now you must rebuy to stay alive. If you dare.
He also owes me a chess move. I am Patiently waiting, however :)
I've been working on a little SN bot that can automatically create these chess board images in the background
Nice. Sounds awesome.
Wow! That would be so cool. A worthy cause for absence :)
So far, I can give it algebraic notation and it spits out an image.
For example, I can give it this:
e4 c6 Nc3 d5 d4 Nf6 e5 Ng4 Be3 f5 h3 Nxe3 fxe3 e6 Nf3 c5 g4 cxd4 Qxd4 fxg4 Qxg4 Nc6 Bb5 g6 Ng5 Qe7 Rf1 a6 Rf7
and it will print this:
Now I just need to hook this up to SN in a way that makes sense. Would be cool if it could just follow a thread and reply to each move with such a picture. Could also be flipped depending on whose turn it is to fix the awkward perspective with the black pieces.
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