The problem is not money but centralized government/power. And, at the center of centralized power lies the heart of man, which devices all kinds of evil. All centralized governing systems always end up being run by criminals. Criminals have high affinity for centralized power. Again, centralized governing systems have ways of turning honest people into dishonest ones. The Individual have no rights of his/her own in a centralized system. Whatever it is, it always has to be for the "good" of the "whole" while ignoring the needs of the individual person.
In addition to debasing the currency, fiat monetary system debase the minds of the people. It breeds and hatches corruption everywhere.
The best system of governance is at the family level, in a world of decentralized money. Security? Live that to the community, in a world of decebtralized money.
Any form of money that can be centralized and inflated is the root of all kinds of evil and fear.
Totally agree