Equity Law:

The word Equity originally means being fair and impartial, with the biblical meaning referring to justice, fairness and uprightness: God judges people with equity.
Equity law evolved over time alongside common law and is a legal system based on contract law, which is designed to obtain fairness and balance when other laws do not provide a solution.
This system of law was more about procedure and remedies than standardised rules. It allowed the individual to use their own documents and affirments, such as notices and affidavits, to uphold their law, either broken through contract or a violation of their rights.
However, over time this system of law was taken over by the Catholic Roman Church and includes the follow:
  1. Contract Law.
  2. The Law of Commerce.
  3. Trust Law.
  4. Ecclesiastical law.
It also exists in both Civil and Common Law.
Common law and Equity Law work side by side, Common Law deals with crimes and is based within custom and usage, whereas Equity law deals with contracts, and laws thereof.