You might need to spend some more time climbing the leaderboards, so it's easier to find your ranks in the different categories.
However, in all likelihood you're in Yellow Squad like most of us. That means you rank higher in stacking than spending and higher in comments than posts.
Thank you so much Yes. I do more comments than post and my Stacking Spending is approximately 1/2.
They only person who ranks higher in posts is rsync.
On what timeframe?
In forever, right? He keeps posting left and right everyday.
Who are you talking about?
@TheMorningStar isn’t second on posts.
Oh. I think he’s first, but I want to find a reckless version of rsync.
I have never understood rsync25s strategy. How does he even sustain himself? Posting cost 200 sats, and he posts a lot during the day. But many of his posts dont pick up traction....I would think he would be net negative sat wise?
I think he roughly breaks even, but it doesn't seem worth the effort when there's no engagement.