Personally I just keep spending if I need more inbound liquidity.
Getting inbound liquidity is a known issue for Lightning. There are even services where you can purchase inbound liquidity, though I'm not sure how it works as I've never used it. I guess you just pay people to open a channel to you.
I figure if I just keep spending I not only help the bitcoin circular economy but I also get the inbound liquidity that I need.
But if I want to save?
For me, I use bitcoin to spend on my regular needs, by buying amazon gift cards. So this is money that i'd spend anyway. I then buy more bitcoin with my savings. I try to time it so that I'm spending bitcoin when the fiat/bitcoin price is high, and stacking when the fiat/bitcoin price is low.
What is your pubkey? I will consider opening a channel to you. I don't know how helpful it'll be though since I lack inbound liquidity myself.