Surely, I understood your point. It was I who first noticed that unusual activity #675565 and informed. I was unsatisfied because someone with 500 sats zap came in top 5 and I was even out of 40 while I zapped double than him. The invincibility that I think comes not from the SN Algo but it's we as stackers make it invincible. After, I noticed I saw others also noticed and we're now more aware about if so eonw wants to game. Whether that stacker is a gamer or not is still questionable. He's even today at 10th rank.
Great. Thanks for clarifying your thought process. I wanted to ensure to clarify mine as well as after I brought it up it seemed people were piling on a bit and that wasn't the intent. I don't have a better solution than the current algo to root out spam and reward good content so without a better idea I don't want to deride it.
I also don't think it'd be best to deride it. It clearly is the best mechanism for many other valuable aspects.
I brought it up it seemed people were piling on a bit.
I think it's good if people just pile on it. If everyone does the same it's a fair game.
I understood your intent. Making people aware of it is important. But it doesnt seem to be working yet. They are rising on the board again.