Civil Disobedience (Pdf)
“That government is best which governs least”?

The motto he was referring to was apparently that of the United States Magazine and Democratic Review, founded in 1837 by John O’Sullivan (who would in 1845 famously use the phrase “manifest destiny” to support the annexation of Texas and the Oregon Country).
It is under the word government, that the subtle danger lurks. Understood as a central consolidated power, managing and directing the various general interests of the society, all government is evil, and the parent of evil.
Government should have as little as possible to do with the general business and interests of the people. The best government is that which governs least. No human depositories can, with safety, be trusted with the power of legislation upon the general interests of society so as to operate directly or indirectly on the industry and property of the community.
I'm currently reading this. I can clearly see the ideals narrated by Thoreu had a lot of similarity with what we wish for our world through the power of Bitcoin. Does this make any sense?