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Anyone who listened carefully to Mario Draghi a few days ago about the state of the European Union can see that there is panic in Brussels about the immense debt problem. The USA is not alone here, where the figures are spiraling out of control and interest rates will soon become the biggest expenditure item of all. Draghi has advised exactly what statists and Keynesians always want: New artificial GDP (Green New Deal and other nonsense) generated by government demand and new debt programs, a new level of financing through common bonds in the eurozone.
So the game continues into the future and the EU has the opportunity to consolidate sovereign debt into one entity, under the umbrella of the ECB and then roll this mountain of debt further into the future. The Fiat Circus goes into the next round!
i wonder how much suckier and more expensive life will get before we get a collapse and reset? i also wonder how many fiat simps will be right there telling how actually, no, eating bugs is great and renting is always better than owning
Pretend to be worried about the can. Then kick the can further up the road. The can turns up again.
Rinse and repeat.
Let's make a poem of it
Once there was a ponzi Plain for all to see
Yet no one stepped forth to stop it So it poisoned, from land to sea
Many it impoverished But a few managed to line their purse
No one stepped forth to stop it So the ponzi got worse and worse
Nice, my friend Schiller. ChatGPT?
No, I made it up. Here's some more:
Working in the shadows, Satoshi soldiered on Crafting Bitcoin's code, then bringing others along Was he a cypherpunk? or an NSA guy gone rogue? Does it really matter? And why not both?
Oh. So You're our new born poet of SN!
The can, kicked further, As so many times before, The end is in sight
The fiatponzi always moves into the next round over and over, again and again, ruining lives. If wishes were so, I'll wish that the people embrace bitcoin. But they won't, because the fiatponzi is addictive in nature.