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984 sats stacked
stacking since: #676922
Optimism, Bitcoin, Nostr
Thanks for the starter pack!
I've been using SN for a while already but wanted to 'spin-up' a new account^.
I still fondly remember the kind welcome from @siggy47 when I set up my first account. And who can forget their first well-intended (but still scary) force-choke powered rebuke from @DarthCoin for not taking sovereignty seriously enough.
^My reasoning:
I don't want to add too much emotional value to a single nym - just in case it gets compromised or I have a compelling reason to stop using it or the jokes about @k00b being a fed turn out to be true or some other reason I've not thought about.
I want to see how easy/hard it is to write in a different way per nym; different perspectives, writing style, deliberate typoz.
Welcome aboard!
Howdy @Bishop and welcome to SN
Just want to introduce you to the ~AGORA territory, a place to buy or sell your products and services with other stackers and obviously use bitcoin P2P as a medium of exchange.
Read this intro guide whenever needed, and if you have any feedback or suggestion on how we can make this space more useful, please do get in touch!
Wish you great and prosperous times around this wonderful corner of the internet!
Stay tuned, stack sats ;)
Stack Sats and stay humble.