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We have discussed the collapse of the German economy at length several times here. In view of the general development in Europe, which is not particularly good but not as bad as Germany's, it is something unique. The phasing out of nuclear power, ongoing attacks against the key sector of its own economy, the automotive industry, overregulation and the growing state interventionism - in conjunction with the climate psychosis, all this has led to a disaster for the German economy and society as a whole.
And this social disease of a strange apocalyptic cult is spreading from its center battle field to other regions as it's penetrating all political and administrative levels, mainstream media, NGOs and all the forefield organizations of the party/media cartel that is dominating public narratives and the overton window. These people show vibes that Roman citizens probably felt in the face of the early Christians. They, too, stood speechless before a group of people who were literally longing for the end of the world. What was missing was the gigantic subsidy apparatus to artificially stimulate the nonsense.
The unethical element of the climate apocalyptic cult is that they tap into the resources of the anonymous masses with audacity. They managed to establish an incentive structure, exterminating open discourse on fundamental questions of energy production and use - it's a design to re-allocate resources by putting moral pressure on those who don't participate in the cult.
In the nucleus we find the design of a functional apparatus that, with the well-known thoroughness of German socialism, suppresses the private sector, covers it with bureaucracy, taxes it heavily and in this way severely damages the crucial area of the economy that ensures innovation and prosperity. At this level of the cult, it is not about saving the world, but about political power, whatever the cost. Every euro stolen from the private sector for the benefit of the cult's subsidized elite damages the development of productivity, as we have seen from the collapse of productivity in the German economy.
And the consequences of this are now materializing. As a result of exploding energy prices, green Valhalla Germany is experiencing an exodus of companies. Last year alone, direct investments of 136 billion euros were withdrawn from Germany!
At this point, we can only hope that the economic crash induced by this sect will also dry up these parasitic structures in order to give our society room to breathe. We cannot rely on the media at this point. They fulfil their systemic task, which is to synchronize the masses, not to rationally explain the dynamics of climate phenomena.
The way to achieve change is to return to free capital markets, the best mechanism to allocare scarce resources. By allocating resources to independent money You're part of the peaceful revolution to free society from this parasitic system. It will be a taugh and hard fight as these people will be defending their scheme of plunder until the last day. But the path of social evolution demands it and so the era of green-socialist dominance, subsidy entrepreneurs and attacks on general freedom of expression will be approaching the cliff that will bring it down!
Perhaps the praxeological perspective of the Austrian school of economics can provide us with an answer as to how it was possible for a small sectarian group to force the economic suicide of society as a whole. An exciting task for the Mises' and Hayeks of tomorrow.
Is there a lot of coverage of the exodus of companies from Germany, in the popular press? Or maybe the exodus of people (is that happening too?)
Last year g lost 136 bio euros of direct investment. For some years net around 200.000 germans are leaving.
The media is playing it down. All about climate bs
This is probably more of a Hayekian point about emergent phenomena.
Coupling the coercive redistributive mechanism of the state with representative governance virtually guarantees cult-like propaganda will be used to distort the public's perception of reality. You probably couldn't predict the precise form that propaganda will take, but it needs to be something that isn't easily falsified by everyday experience and it needs to be consequential enough to justify the looting.
Patrick Moore's book Fake Invisible Catastrophes pointed out that pretty much all alarmist environmentalism is centered on problems that are far removed from most people's direct experience.
Coercive redistribution is the problem and, like so many things, bitcoin fixes this.
the problem with fiat printing and central banking is they will just print up as many euros as needed to fund whatever they deem necessary and the masses with just get poorer and have to suck on whatever new taxes they create.
not to deny climate change, but they had clean nuclear energy and the wankers decided to shut it all down and go with Putin's gas pipe instead.
then the gov dreams up carbon offsetting and it turns out half of that is a total scam.
seems like the only thing they can do is focus all their attention on EVs and run around trying to punish and shame people that don't want to buy one or spend a ton of money on a heatpump for an old house.
just more government meddling and like the shitty food pyramid the government invented to pysh US agg interests, the only thing it's been good for is exploding diabetes and childhood obesity.
This is not going well
We just found the catalyst for the great-great recession that is looming: the green bubble bursting.
This would be a good thing for society!
This green energy initiative is going to put some societies back a few generations.
German imdustry is going to shrink by 8%! This year, says VDMA. It's a collapse
That shrinking is not coming at a good time. More things are going to collapse. Will be like dominos.
But it's intentional if you understand the Davosian agenda and geopolitics in the background
There is always an agenda, and most of us dont to see it. The other half of society are sheep and dont see it.
As I've related here before I've met several highly capable, independent people who've either built one or more business or a very impressive career here, that simply left...
This has been a trend for decades too, the real risk takers left a long time ago, some failed of course, but many did very well and never really looked back.
The one thing that is changing now is global taxation, this is clearly planned to happen in the next few years. Many of the really capable people will relocate again, or even do the nomad game for as long as possible.
But what then? I hope that Europe gets to a stage where its bleedingly obvious that it all has to go, like the Soviet Union.
Some will be able to get early in on this, maybe returning to build on Bitcoin in open defiance!
My hope is that Germany can turn this problem around, because if it doesn't, the whole of Europe will suffer.
Is climate change not a threat to humanity and the planet? It seems most of the science suggests we do have a rapidly changing climate and that this change could has very serious consequences for human civilisation. I just don't get the libertarian bravado that denies the science. Record temperatures globally breaking all previous records each year. Ice caps and glacier melting at an accelerating rate. Sure there will be extremists within all sides of the debate but seems like there is a real problem and that human cause climate change is a real thing.
you should separate the so-called scientists paid by the states from the free science. the decisive factor for our climate is solar activity and not the CO2 emitted by humans. But this is a deep debate
Private enterprise is notoriously poor at funding pure science where many of the significant discoveries are made which then deliver economic advantages. Yes many state funded scientists might be constrained in their work by political considerations but I find it difficult to believe they have as a whole deceived with the overwhelming evidence that human caused climate change- primarily from burning fossil fuels is now causing considerable increase in the global temperature. Unprecedented rising sea temperatures have now been recorded and unprecedented warming is now occurring. Solar activity has always varied in intensity but the scale of warming now is not attributed to solar variations by any of the mainstream science I have seen. Yes it is a hugely complex debate with questions such as should nuclear be used more to replace fossil fuels an example where political views are highly influential. Peter Thiel has argued that the decision was made to curtail increased nuclear power utilisation when India were assisted to build nuclear power plants by the US but then quickly went on the build nuclear weapons from those reactors. It was realised it is almost impossible to enable nuclear power without the consequence of nuclear weapons going to that nation as well. Humans have surely demonstrated too many times our potential for brutality and warring to ignore such dangers. One thing is sure IMO - human caused climate change is real and is a huge potential threat to us all- we need to at least take a cautious approach if the planet is to avoid getting fried. This should ideally be an issue where we can unite out of common interest, not another point of division...but fossil fuel lobbyists have serially sought to sow doubt, obfuscation and confusion despite the known science and that dangerous, deliberate and disingenuous misinformation needs to be firmly rejected.
It will be interesting to see how much is spent on public science once we're on a bitcoin standard. The current funding is entirely dependent on the money printer running at full speed, so without that will people be willing to shell out their hard earned sats for it?
The Bitcoin Standard is not inconsistent with the idea of state funded investment. El Salvador demonstrates this if you really need an example. Any understanding of science and economy shows state funding of pure science has driven major advances in the productive economy and private enterprise does not often fund pure science so an educated and informed public would generally support taxation to fund science. The Bitcoin Standard does not have to result in an end to taxation and collective economic progress... Climate change is a crisis which demonstrates very clearly the need for people to be capable of action beyond the crude imperatives of free markets. Climate change demands agreement and consensus to act in the common interest and that's is perhaps why it is denied by more extremist libertarians.
Do you think taxation is enough, or will the money printer also be needed to solve such a big and important problem? The US spent $1.7T more than it collected in taxes in 2023. That's a pretty big difference. How's that going to work when they can't print money anymore? It will be difficult to pay for green new deals and whatnot.
Climate change is a crisis which demonstrates very clearly the need for people to be capable of action beyond the crude imperatives of free markets. Climate change demands agreement and consensus to act in the common interest and that's is perhaps why it is denied by more extremist libertarians.
Spot on.
I'll answer that by saying NO. Climate change is NOT a threat to humanity and the planet.
Saifedean Ammous (author of The Bitcoin Standard) has a couple really good podcasts on this whole topic (the corruption of science, especially around the topic of climate).
Here's some of my favorites:
I love Ammous' attitude which is provocative and challenging to status quo science but in some areas he is clearly taking an extreme position to invite debate. The same with his interpretation of Keynesian economics- he takes things to an extreme to get a reaction but often at the price of misrepresenting the truth. Ammous is no more a climate scientist then he is an economist- he majored in engineering.
He doesn't claim to be a climate scientist. But he's interviewing people who are.
He does claim to be an economist while his primary degree is in engineering. That's fine with me as long as it is acknowledged, and it can be argued mainstream economics is riddled with fiat propaganda orthodoxy enforced by bankers. However are you denying the massive disinformation campaign engaged by fossil fuel industry lobbyists to sow doubt and in any way possible obfuscate the issue?
I think the propaganda at this point is so insanely tilted towards the climate catastrophe folks, I would welcome a little propaganda on the other side. I can't say I've ever heard anything from the oil industry, whereas the climate catastrophe folks on on the front page every day with their narrative.
I realize I gave you 4 podcast links above, that's too many. If I were to choose just one, I'd pick this one: https://saifedean.com/podcast/139-fossil-future-with-alex-epstein. Alex Epstein also has a website (https://energytalkingpoints.com/) which is fantastic.