The U.S. government has a responsibility to ensure electric grid stability, enable a clean energy future, and protect communities from pollution and climate change impacts. This report explores the challenges and opportunities of crypto-assets for energy and climate change issues in the United States, and answers four main questions asked in Executive Order 14067:
  1. How do digital assets affect energy usage, including grid management and reliability, energy efficiency incentives and standards, and sources of energy supply?
  2. What is the scale of climate, energy, and environmental impacts of digital assets relative to other energy uses, and what innovations and policies are needed in the underlying data to enable robust comparisons?
  3. What are the potential uses of blockchain technology that could support climate monitoring or mitigating technologies?
  4. What key policy decisions, critical innovations, research and development, and assessment tools are needed to minimize or mitigate the climate, energy, and environmental implications of digital assets?