You've got to be kidding me, the whitehouse is running a wordpress site?
Kind of makes me think about how silly it sounds when people say the government has a bunch of next gen tech they haven't released for some nefarious reason.
That romanticized vision comes from the past, from the time of the Manhattan project or the Apollo program. That is not the case anymore.
This diagram is just a rough approximation.
Hard times create strong men. <-- Manhattan project Strong men create good times <-- Apollo program Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times. <-- [We are here]
Strong men create good times <-- Apollo program
Don't forget the captured and pardoned Nazi scientists who helped pull that off. The government hasn't been invading any technology advanced countries recently, which is really hampering their progress.
What could go wrong? /s
Oh hey look, the reports from Biden's Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets are coming to light and surprise they're not friendly towards Bitcoin.
Still saying Bitcoin uses more energy than countries (p21):
Global crypto-asset mining emissions, at a rate of 140 Mt CO2/y, are greater than the emissions of many individual countries, and equivalent to the global emissions from all barges, tankers, and other ships on inland waterways.122 Bitcoin alone generates approximately two-thirds of global crypto-asset GHG emissions.123,124,125,126 Bitcoin emissions have increased rapidly from a range of 2 to 16 Mt CO2/y in 2017127,128,129 to 100 ± 20 Mt CO2/y from May 30 to June 16, 2022,130,131,132 an increase of approximately 10 times in five years.
This is the first time that anyone in the US govt (maybe of any major country even) that has admitted that bitcoin can be an environmental benefit. There’s plenty to dislike in the report but the fact that they were forced to admit something positive about bitcoin should be seen as a massive victory. This is a narrative shift that came as a result of plebs fighting back.
Social media, mainstream news, useless chatrooms, garbage computer games, all of them consume far more electricity than bitcoin and produce significantly less value. In sane world production of hard money such as bitcoin should be priority number one for electrical grid, and all surplus such as entertaiment should come after.
I'm personally looking forward to the FBI knocking down my door someday because they were tipped off i'm using a clothes dryer. This is the path we're headed down.
Here's a Tweet that kicks off a pretty good thread:
Today I put on my thinkboi hat and walk you through the recent @WhiteHouse Climate and Energy report on Crypto-Assets.
Buckle up because this is going to be wild and you should know what's coming our way.
Another good Twitter thread, with the Tweet that kicked it off as follows:
Here's what meaning the Whitehouse report on crypto-mining and Climate has for everyone Bitcoiner
It's a shame Trump didn't get a second term, these climate fascists continue causing destruction to everyone's detriment, and they aren't changing the climate
Trump was trying to kill this space as well. These boomers and old timers just want power and control they don’t care about the people. Look how they vote! Jackson Mississippi has to fight government red tape to get FEMA funds for water yet we give billions to a proxy war thousands of miles away that had bipartisan support. The sooner you understand the red vs blue is for theatrics and not about actual people the more likely you won’t make statements like this.
There was two bullmarkets during Trumps term (2017 and 2020) so if he was trying to kill the space he did a poor job.
Put another way, when Trump assumed office the price of 1 BTC was $900 by the time he left the price was over $30,000
Well if you believe that then you got to believe that Joe Biden is the greatest job creator ever unemployment is at an all time low! The economy has never been stronger! It’s comical these politicians take credit for the individual actions of millions. Wall Street don’t give a damn who’s in office markets go up and down independent of politics don’t feed into the spin
Just when you thought the Biden administration couldn't get any worse...
The U.S. government has a responsibility to ensure electric grid stability, enable a clean energy future, and protect communities from pollution and climate change impacts. This report explores the challenges and opportunities of crypto-assets for energy and climate change issues in the United States, and answers four main questions asked in Executive Order 14067:
  1. How do digital assets affect energy usage, including grid management and reliability, energy efficiency incentives and standards, and sources of energy supply?
  2. What is the scale of climate, energy, and environmental impacts of digital assets relative to other energy uses, and what innovations and policies are needed in the underlying data to enable robust comparisons?
  3. What are the potential uses of blockchain technology that could support climate monitoring or mitigating technologies?
  4. What key policy decisions, critical innovations, research and development, and assessment tools are needed to minimize or mitigate the climate, energy, and environmental implications of digital assets?