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Oil is not “extremely dirty.” We all want clear air but let’s not panic. Oil is fine when used properly. CO2 is a gas essential for life to exist.
CO2 is only about 0,04% of the atmosphere. If it triples we are fine. If it cuts down to 1/3 we all die.
You do understand the dynamics of how CO2 works on planet Earth with temperature, and how this in turn effects climates, food and sea levels?
If it triples we are not fine. This could result in increasing temperatures over the Planet by several degrees. "Ok great, its cold where I am, maybe its more livable now. ".
This is devastating for ecosystems. Planets, Animals, Food Crop.. unable to exist at those latitudes or under weather. Freak and random storms becomes more present. Disrupting travel and industry. We have seen this in the last few years, and it will only get worse as we release more carbon dioxide from its slumber.
Rising sea levels is no joke! This is happening right now. Look back at the last 100+ years of gasoline. It has been a vector to poison the planet, lead, and now excess CO2. Tell me that isn't dirty.
Truly, it is not that bad as mainstream makes you believe. I recommend reading Fossil Future or Apocalypse Never, which debunk a lot of these apocalyptic myths.
May it be the same as the nuclear "winter" after the war? When scientists forgot that soot could go down and the only influence is a little cloudy day instead of the ice age. I don't negate the existence of the global warming, i've felt it myself this summer with 49 degrees on sun 2 weeks without any rain. The drought is much more probable than it was before. So many springs dissapeared due to it in the last decade. It's bad, dangerous, but still not the end of the world.
Also everyone watches the CO2 level, but what about other greenhouse gases like methane?