The first thing I do when I grab my phone is log into SN and what a surprise I got this morning, I found 140k sats in my wallet, I couldn't believe it when I saw it, I sat on the edge of the bed assimilating what I was seeing, when I was able to react a little I could only say: "WHAT IS THIS???", My husband was lying on the side and he asks me: What happened to you? - I showed him what was on my phone and his reaction was the same; it was a hurricane of emotions in a single minute, shock, nervous laughter, some tears and nervous laughter again. This was something I didn't expect, one or more people in the community have zapped me for more than 100k sats⚡ and I'm so grateful that I can't even find the right words, I don't even know how to describe how I feel, it's been a huge surprise, it's left me stunned. I want to shout THANK YOU and jump with excitement.
These sats will be well protected and used in the correct manner, valuing each one of them as they deserve.
Thank you stackers, thank you SN⚡💖