It will be interesting to see if there is any dust that Williams has from his absence. He knows the system and everything is how it was but ya know how great was his training while he was away is something that I wonder about
He is a future hall of famer. I am not too concerned. Even at 80% of his normal play he is way better than Jaylon Moore who would have started in his place. I think the 49ers will win the game but non division, non conference, first game of the year, if they do lose it is not a big deal.
True true! I will be intrigued to see how this week plays out because I feel like I am missing something with these spreads lol!
it's like playing Notre Dame lol non division non conference
😭😭😭 uncalled forrrrrrr I am still trying to recover from whatever display I saw Saturday 😭😭😭