That's very unfortunate that he lost his bitcoin because of phishing.
A friend of mine called me, because his father wanted to loan €15000. When he asked what it was for, he said that it was for his bitcoin te be released. It turns out he received an email from Coinbase, stating that he neede to create a self custody wallet on their platform, send all his bitcoin to that address and apparently an extra 15K.
I said this was a scam, but he didn't believe it and became very defensive. After he sent all his bitcoin (5 bitcoin) and the extra 15K, he found out it was a scam. Very very unfortunate. So sad to see this happen to people.
Would it help if there was a website with a collection of bitcoin email scams and a number of points to watch out for (e.g. check the email address)? Just as you explain how to safeguard their recovery phrase you also emphasize bitcoin scams. This should be mandatory for newcomers.
I just received a bitcoin scam claiming to be from Swan Bitcoin where the from address isnt from Swan. If we could collect these emails, I would be happy to setup a website for this.
I wonder if that coinbase scam is the same one my friend of a friend got caught up in? I like your idea about a website.