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At Lightning in a Bottle last year we had a young blood in our camp that introduced me to John Summit and that EDM sub-genres are largely divided on BPM and recurring “ingredients.” He was excited by Summit succeeding in EDM as a second career after being an accountant. I similarly find it hopeful and endearing - we all want more shots.
I was looking for to get behind the paywall of a headline I saw on Gen Z era doping and found this on Men’s Health instead; “I know John Summit. I have bad SA.”
this territory is moderated
No idea who he is but I always appreciate when people who are in the public eye reveal their humanity.
I remember when former NHL player Shane Corson opened up about his panic attacks. That was big for an athlete to talk about mental health at the time.
It is good to talk about this stuff, more suffer from it than one can imagine. I don't have anxiety, on occasion it may come over brief periods - I tend to meditate and be one with myself.
“I know John Summit. I have bad SA.” What's SA here? Apart fron this I totaly despise whatever music culture this EDM thing is bringing in. I wanted to make my career in the same but left the idea after watching the chaos. Music doesn't mean to bring any type of mental sickness, it brings a healing effect. That's why, I started learning Indian Classical Music. Though, I couldn't make my career in music but the craving for music will always remain with me. That's one reason for me to love music.
SA stands for Social Anxiety
Ahh! Thanks 🙏