Stacker News is very helpful in so many ways. Just curious to know how you feel about this outstanding platform. The top most answer gets 1000 sats, and the rest get zaps from SN. Feel free.
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hasherstacker's bounties
165 sats \ 0 replies \ @flat24 1 Sep
The first time I read about SN, my first thought was 💭🤑 "Great, I found a place to earn SATS." It was a big surprise 😮 when I looked and noticed that earning SATS ⚡ was not as easy as I thought, it was much more complex and it was something merely secondary. The first thing I learned was that the most important thing is the Community, SN helped me understand that, to see how anyone without hesitation helps you in a post or a comment, be it with an opinion, be it with some SATS, a recommendation, a fact or advice. SN turned out to be a Library of topics and experiences related to Bitcoin without a doubt the best place to learn about value for value, it also helps me day by day with discipline and focus, coming here daily to express some ideas or learn from the ideas expressed by others is something of great value. On the other hand, it helped me to get my wife closer to Bitcoin topics, now she also has an account and from time to time she plants her ideas and thoughts in SN territories to then harvest some SATS at the end of the week. SN helps me day by day to follow my path of learning about Bitcoin and helps me to develop my thoughts and later want to write them down and share them. Thanks
1269 sats \ 1 reply \ @BlokchainB 1 Sep
It stops me from doom scrolling on X. Plus SNL brings a comedic approach to bitcoin news. It’s not about fed rates or recycling the same ol guests that go on all the popular/influencer bitcoin podcasts.
Lastly I get to interact with bitcoiners. I get to zap sats which help kick start the circular economy share my ideas and opinions with other stackers and exit the fiat madness I find myself in every day.
I don't even need to write my own answer, because it's so similar to yours. The differences are minor: I stopped using Minds and Reddit, rather than X.
I also found SN very early in my bitcoin journey, so the stackers were a big influence on me diving in fully.
When I first came here, I thought that the lightning network was broken. Now I understand how amazing it is and the bright future that will bring.
214 sats \ 0 replies \ @siggy47 1 Sep
I was trying to learn about bitcoin on reddit and wasn't getting very far. I so a link one day and I haven't looked back. I learn new stuff just about everyday here, and not just about bitcoin.
152 sats \ 1 reply \ @BTCLNAT 1 Sep
In most of my comments I mention what Stacker News has represented for me. It's not just a place where you can get SATs for creating content, which I think is fantastic, it's more than that, it's a platform where you can educate yourself, inform yourself, debate about various aspects of life, where Bitcoin is discussed fundamentally, but not only about Bitcoin.
For me it's an excellent platform for those of us who are starting to use Bitcoin and for anyone who wants to express their point and learn what others are saying.
It has definitely been an important place for me for my education. I've even noticed that I use it more every day.
I don't want to miss this moment to thank the SN team and its community. But there is one mention I want to make
My friends from @CubaBTC and @CriptoPanas thanks to them I got here
It's great to see you here!
Enjoy creating content, learning, stacking and Zapping as well!
I learned quite a bit about the technical aspects of bitcoin and lightning on SN. Also privacy tech as well. I did not come from a technical background so it has been really helpful to be exposed to the more technical posts and to be able to converse with people who truly understand it.
SN is global. We are here zapping each other from different backgrounds, different continents and different countries. No need to use fiat to send money to someone else. It’s great!
126 sats \ 2 replies \ @random_ 1 Sep
The job board is totally underrated.
I atarted helping summarize podcast and doing other stackwork tasks and was able to earn income at a time when I didn't have a job.
This is something that I hadn't picked up on. Lots of benefits can be found here!
136 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 1 Sep
@dk reminded me how neglected the job board has become yesterday. Many miles to go.
Stacker News allows you to grow as a person.
The platform and the content will help you with all your doubts about BTC and lightning. The people who reply to your questions are full of knowledge and happy to help you out. Most of them are very kind when answering others (aka Darth) just give you the answer you're looking but with a military tone, some times hard to deal with.
Jokes aside, Darth and his guides are a great asset for the Stackers Community.
Furthermore, you will get some SATs for learning!
this open-source project is a glimpse at how information can get filtered thru bitcoiners using bitcoin as the high-value-truth token. there is a higher signal-to-noise ratio on this platform than many others, over a wide variety of disciplines. participating in the economy helps me crystalize my thoughts and convey a message in a sharper manner, with less fluff.
It showed me a living example of what an internet based on lightning and Bitcoin looks like. It works very well, and Bitcoin is indeed Internet's money, it will take over the "world".
Global borderless learning to share knowledge and sats. I really enjoyed our Christmas gift to a woman selling goods in South America. We are changing the world here with a peaceful revolution and are on the front lines. Well done everyone. God Bless!
The gift cards I buy on The Bitcoin Company [Code: U4C19A] with my sats here help pay for my beer and snacks for the kids. I’m grateful
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @Golu 1 Sep
I'm quite new here.
The one thing that I think has helped me is to curb down on my consuming of garbage content. Before SN, I was using X and others and what I found that instead of value content, there I usually got what I'd stay there for longer times. The content I was seeing there has no comparison to what I see here. On SN my learning drive had got a rebirth incredibly and so suddenly. Now, before going to bed, I read on SN and morning starts with SN.
26 sats \ 0 replies \ @jasonb 1 Sep
Stacker news has been the best forum for me to “meet*” new bitcoiners/freedom tech lovers. Nostr is the bomb, but if you live outside a Bitcoin hub, it’s so slow going finding anyone to interact with. Despite being decentralized, the bulletin board nature of sn has been great for somebody that’s maybe orange pilled a handful of folks, but hasn’t brought them into the full blown radicalized bitcoiner world that you can find here.
*admittedly, I only have like three real world relationships with folks on sn, and then a handful of casual ones that I’ve met in the real world but aren’t really deep friendships. But even having that is nice, when you’re so much farther down the rabbit hole than most of your real world friends. PLUS, I hope to both get more of my current friends involved, and I hope to get to know some folks from sn on a deeper level someday!
Congrats @BlokchainB. And thank you all for your valuable contributions.
It has helped me focusing on the small stuff and staying focused on a positive habit consistently. While I don't have a several hundred day streak, I had from what I felt like was an impressive 48 day streak and it took diligence, focus and persistence to make it happen.
It’s enabled an outlet for my mind, to discuss, have discourse and slowly but surely led me to actually thinking about thought provoking posts, what to write etc rather than just endlessly consuming. Thanks SN
It helped me reinvent the wheel with the right usage of social media and the power V2V can bring to the table to both reduce the spam and incentivize quality content!
5 sats \ 0 replies \ @Chep 1 Sep
I just think it validated the idea of a much better v4v p2p zap friendly internet platform. I see the same thing on Nostr and I really enjoy when users can send value back and forth to each other without going through a third party payment provider to do so
SN has given me new energy when it comes to studying (and stacking!) bitcoin.
But I’m not just asking what SN can do for me, I’m asking what I can do for SN. I’ve got the dev environment set up and looking to hopefully contribute soon! 👨‍💻
I had used this site for earning but now I am used to of this app cuz I like to know about btc and economy. Sn is a great community that's why I am not leaving this site. You can share your thought in here freely. I loved it
I think that SN is one of the places or platforms where it can help you learn about all the topics and help you continue growing and becoming autonomous beings.
I have found out that it was yesterday 12:56pm that bitcoin price dropped to $2670
It allowed me to find somewhere somewhat like hacker news and reddit that actually valued what I had to say instead of feeding it into some AI beast or moderating my content into some black hole of oblivion.
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