Stacker news has been the best forum for me to “meet*” new bitcoiners/freedom tech lovers. Nostr is the bomb, but if you live outside a Bitcoin hub, it’s so slow going finding anyone to interact with. Despite being decentralized, the bulletin board nature of sn has been great for somebody that’s maybe orange pilled a handful of folks, but hasn’t brought them into the full blown radicalized bitcoiner world that you can find here.
*admittedly, I only have like three real world relationships with folks on sn, and then a handful of casual ones that I’ve met in the real world but aren’t really deep friendships. But even having that is nice, when you’re so much farther down the rabbit hole than most of your real world friends. PLUS, I hope to both get more of my current friends involved, and I hope to get to know some folks from sn on a deeper level someday!