Banned In Florida? How do they handle Amazon orders? I can't believe this isn't a bigger story. What about Borders? Is this perhaps a misleading headline?
It's illegal to do so but you can still do it. Statewide authority can't scan all packages.
It's very similar to Cannabis in the US. Illegal federally, legal in e.g. Colorado. If you walk by a state police cop and a federal cop next to each other with a joint one of them can't arrest you but the other can.
the practice of removing certain books deemed objectionable from its school libraries.
So not all of Florida? From Florida school libraries? High school? Middle school? Elementary school? I just re read the article. So this is county by county? Not statewide?
Does it matter? One single school is too many already.
Well, it matters because these crazy partisan headlines on both sides just tend to inflame, not foster discussion. I despise book banning of any kind, but it would make sense to know what the issue is. Apparently any county bans are for children below 18 years old. The headline is misleading. It implies a statewide ban.
Both sides like to ban what they don't like, whether it's books or social media.
Thanks for saving me the trouble of digging to the bottom of this, @siggy47. From the headline, I was 99% confident this was fake news.
There's nothing crazy about curating school libraries for appropriate materials. These are state institutions, so who's supposed to make these decisions if not the public or the bureaucracy itself?
Unless you think there should be hardcore pornography and snuff films in elementary school libraries, you're also pro-censorship and the discussion is entirely about where to draw the lines.
Curating, very nice framing. I have to reread some King’s books, apparently I missed the hardcore porn parts.
Miss my point on purpose if you like. I suspect you're smart enough to understand what I was getting at and you're choosing to be as uncharitable as possible.