I'm not sure. I'm just beginning to explore this stuff. Can you explain further. I know you can side load non Start9 apps, but you are talking about setting up a separate server? I guess those are media hosting apps?
Yes, that's my question - are you looking to self host more stuff on start9 or a new server? If a new server, are you're using an os similar to start9 which makes handling software/packages easier? If yes, you might want to look at CasaOS. If not, you can get really complicated, but running a bunch of containers is typical and pretty easy with most stuff launched simply with docker compose up -d
Also, just because you can self host, doesn't always mean that you should. A lot of providers offer a great service that have a lot of nice features because they have dedicated staff (devs and support) compared to trying to figure things out with the help of community.
Thanks for the information. I'll keep that in mind. I'll take my time learning and reading about it. I have an old NAS that I used to use, but I'm not sure if I trust it anymore.