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I didn't post this link to mock Biden. I posted it as further evidence that the US presidency is now a largely ceremonial position. It doesn't matter which party holds the office. GWB was a figurehead for Cheney and his gang of neocons. Obama was the great progressive hope, granted the Nobel Peace Prize before he did anything, then presided over a war machine that perfected the art of remote killing and regime change. Trump made big "drain the swamp" claims , then packed his cabinet with swamp creatures. Even when he tried to do something on his own, the bureaucrats ignored his orders.
Then there's Biden.
Maybe it's always been this way.
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Yup, same people who were running since Biden took office. Trump meant well, never got to it and actually drain that swamp. Not sure if that's gonna happen at all, we killed presidents for less... so there is that. If one does not believe in shadow government, I don't know what to tell ya, just watch what's going on and soon one will realize.
Well said
People who don't see the shadow gov are either niave or they have a mental block preventing them from seeing it I really think it is tramatic for many to accept they have been duped.
I was once a Republican and it was significant for me to realize what the state is. I really think it is a religion for most. They just don't realize it. It was for me. I remember realizing it was an idol and repenting to God for my idolotry.
Good question. Biden is vacationing and Kamala is campaigning.
We all know now that Kamala and the deep state are secretly running the country Americans are getting so complacent. There is something in the water and the food to be making us this numb!
Frankly, the less they do, the better things go.
The fact that Nancy Pelosi said Biden belongs on Mt. Rushmore because he is NOT running for a second term speaks volumes. His greatest achievement is to stop.
Yep, far to few understand this. I know some pretty intelligent people that had no clue how bad Biden was mentally. They weren't dems either. More moderate
Yeah, it's really amazing how few of them even try to deliver on promises.
Embarrassing as Biden and Trump before him have been, it looks like it's the Bush family that's really taken excessive vacations to the next level, with each averaging over a third of a year on vacation.
I do feel like some presidents used to actually be in charge of the executive branch (Reagan, Nixon, LBJ, and JFK all seemed to actually get stuff done, regardless of whether one likes the stuff they did). But in recent years, not so much.
"Trump visited a Trump Organization property on 428 (nearly one in three) of the 1,461 days of his presidency and is estimated to have played 261 rounds of golf, one every 5.6 days."
I don't doubt it. The presidency is a ceremonial position.
You are putting too much weight in the figure of the president. He is not a king, that's not how it works. The USA is a republic, meaning the president is not a ruler, but merely a ceremonial figure. Presidents don't make laws, congress does, with the former only having veto power. At least that's how a republic is supposed to work, but people seem to increasily view the potus as the supreme leader guiding every single aspect of the country, as if he were more than a monarch.