IMO this is a prefect choice. Bitcoin shall find space in normie life, not the other way around. That's the only strategy for true adoption that is not financial.
How does the saying go....
You need Bitcoin - Bitcoin doesn't need you???
Something like that... I don't think Bitcoin shall find space in normie life...and that it is the other way around....all our normie lives are going to find a way to incorporate Bitcoin into them?
Think about it...everything our "normie lives" previously ran on...our "source code" if you will was written with a bad line as it entails how humans will exchange value with each other.... when we figure this out - some of us "reboot" and begin running with the new line and those that don't....well....let's just say it gets more and more difficult to replicate oneself when your operating system just can't "compete" with the new one.
At least that's my humble opinion...
So I am thankful that "The McCormack Show" has a thorough understanding of Bitcoin... and I am concerned that have also seen many Bitcoiner's get too big for their britches so to speak and it usually ends poorly for them. Especially when no one around them is able to get them to shift their focus... And NO I am not saying this is what has happened with Pete....just that I am concerned that it could be what is to come...only the Timechain will prove it out.