Its a sad day I think though I found I have mixed feelings on this post....
So many thoughts mixed up in my head - feeling like the old adage that "the grass isn't always greener on the other side" seems to be fitting here?
I love Pete for sure even though I never met him face to face - I fear that this change seems forced to me... I truly hope Peter isn't trying to hard to become something that he isn't and he is instead settling in to "his own skin" but alas his announcement has a couple comments that worry me.
Best of Luck to you Pete - Hope "The McCormack Show" isn't really the name of the show but hey....I am just a commoner
what part of burnt out from travel and done with bitcoin only content for 900 episodes don’t you understand..?
Sorry mate - didn't mean to piss in your wheaties...
I was simply commenting about my mixed feelings over his post and the show coming to an end...
I understand the burn-out and the not-wanting to do or be focused on just one thing - I have no doubt that Pete and Danny will continue to make great content!!
“grass not always greener”
“Seems forced”
“Trying something he isn’t”
it’s not deep bro, Peter said he is bored and tired from travel lol