Intermittent fasting. Counting calories worked well but I.F. is less of a hassle. I just skip breakfast. 16h fast, 8h feeding period. No need to be a Nazi over it either. If I go to breakfast resto or brunch I'll eat. It's about the trend, not exception. After getting used to it, it seems to have improved my focus and energy. Important that when you do eat it's not junk though.
Limiting self to 2 coffees per day, sometimes 3. No calories in coffee due to intermittent fasting (no milk, no sugar or 0cal sugar/maple syrup). Got rid of a lot of restlessness and anxiety, and opting for decaf after that helps hydration while maintaining the illusion of still drinking coffee to work afternoon.
I agree, Intermittent fasting is one of the best way to stay fit.