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Controversy over muted - unmuted mics!


Fresh controversy has broken out over the Sept. 10 debate on ABC between Donald Trump and VP Kamala Harris, after the Harris campaign insisted that both candidates' microphones be live throughout the full broadcast.
This seems to be a pattern for the Harris campaign. They won’t allow Harris to do interviews, they won’t allow her to do press conferences, and now they want to give her a cheat-sheet for the debate. My guess is that they’re looking for a way to get out of any debate with President Trump.".
I don't think there should any dispute. If mic is turnoff, its turnoff for both.
Yes it's a fair game!
That's a quote from the Trump spokesman in the article, not from Durden, who (while I'm not a big Zero Hedge fan) is pretty down the middle here, noting that Trump talks trash when the mikes are muted as a tactic, and that the Trump campaign as also made requests post-agreement.
I really hope the world can see the debate between these two. It will be clear as day who is more competent.
All he needs to do is let her speak.
Yup! His parrot mouth keeps on screeching!
The political scenario in the United States is quite complex. On the one hand, Trump promises everything, the Democrats don't know who to nominate, and the electorate doesn't know who to choose.
All are confused! There are even a few who are confused between voting or no voting!! It's a battle of Dilemma running USA right now!