Telegram was good as the opposition in russia used it because russia was not able to stop it. But now the opposition in france and the rest of the world is using it so they want to shut it down. No unmoderated free speech in europe anymore. This has to stop because mainstream media is losing the battle and we need more manipulated sheeps for the battle against russia.
The Russian military is freaking out right now because they use Telegram extensively.
If anything, Telegram's encryption is so sketchy, almost non-existent, that it may have been a Russian government honeypot pretending to be independent. Use of it is formally banned in the Ukrainian military, for damn good reasons. Almost all communication on Telegram is unencrypted.
It would have been much more reasonable to arrest him on the basis that Telegram was not private enough...
Truth about governments is dangerous
Same story with Twitter.
Remember the Arab Spring and Western governments celebrating the role of Twitter in organising protest against repressive regimes?