I am experienced with Linux, however, I still found it somewhat difficult to install nix-bitcoin. So I wrote this guide. Hopefully it helps you get started with nix-bitcoin even if you have little Linux experience!
Welcome your suggestions for how to improve the guide.
I use NixOS now. It took me a while to install it and figure out what I was doing. I think I'm going to give this a try. BTW, I never visited your site before. You have some really high quality stuff. The guides are well organized and very well written. I'm really impressed.
good job, this is nice guide. I like the orange blocks with security tips
Thank you so much for the guide! I've already listened good things about nix. What are some of the benifit of Mix?
pros of nix bitcoin node: security configuration in one place configuration easy to update/rollback
cons of nix bitcoin node: command line based, so not point and click beginner friendly
Sounds like I'll stick with Start9
Curious why need a virtual machine for a home computer? I use mine at work to get into different OS.
Thanks! I was looking for something simpler for this. You've done a great job!
this is exactly what have been thinking about for a while as was having some trouble configuring backups in nix. thank you for this write up
What a virtual machine