Am i right in reading that they were just acquitted like 2 months ago?
If so, it's all very suspicious
Mike Lynch, the former CEO of Autonomy, was acquitted of all charges in a high-profile criminal fraud trial on June 6, 2024[1][4]. The trial, which lasted 11-12 weeks, took place in a federal court in San Francisco and was considered one of Silicon Valley's biggest-ever fraud cases[1][4].
Lynch had been accused of deceiving Hewlett Packard (HP) about Autonomy's business and financial health leading up to HP's $11.7 billion acquisition of the British software company in 2011[1]. Specifically, he faced charges of securities and wire fraud for allegedly inflating Autonomy's revenues[1].
Throughout the trial, Lynch maintained his innocence, arguing that HP's $8.8 billion write-down the year after the acquisition was due to the company's own mismanagement rather than fraud[1][2]. His defense team emphasized the complexity of running a business like Autonomy and argued that HP had rushed the due diligence process[2].
The jury's not-guilty verdict marked the end of a 13-year legal battle for Lynch[1]. Following his acquittal, Lynch expressed his elation and gratitude to the jury, stating his intention to return to the UK and resume his work in innovation[1][4].
Sources [1] Clifford Chance Client Dr. Mike Lynch Acquitted in Criminal Fraud Trial [2] Not guilty: how tech mogul Mike Lynch's fortunes soared, fell [3] Who is Mike Lynch? The British tech giant missing from a sunken yacht [4] Steptoe Client Dr. Mike Lynch Acquitted in Criminal Fraud Trial [5] British tycoon Mike Lynch was celebrating acquittal in 'biggest-ever ...