I enjoy a good conspiracy. This is pretty odd. I don't know anything about any of the players, but I'm going to start reading.
Am i right in reading that they were just acquitted like 2 months ago?
If so, it's all very suspicious
Mike Lynch, the former CEO of Autonomy, was acquitted of all charges in a high-profile criminal fraud trial on June 6, 2024[1][4]. The trial, which lasted 11-12 weeks, took place in a federal court in San Francisco and was considered one of Silicon Valley's biggest-ever fraud cases[1][4].
Lynch had been accused of deceiving Hewlett Packard (HP) about Autonomy's business and financial health leading up to HP's $11.7 billion acquisition of the British software company in 2011[1]. Specifically, he faced charges of securities and wire fraud for allegedly inflating Autonomy's revenues[1].
Throughout the trial, Lynch maintained his innocence, arguing that HP's $8.8 billion write-down the year after the acquisition was due to the company's own mismanagement rather than fraud[1][2]. His defense team emphasized the complexity of running a business like Autonomy and argued that HP had rushed the due diligence process[2].
The jury's not-guilty verdict marked the end of a 13-year legal battle for Lynch[1]. Following his acquittal, Lynch expressed his elation and gratitude to the jury, stating his intention to return to the UK and resume his work in innovation[1][4].
Sources [1] Clifford Chance Client Dr. Mike Lynch Acquitted in Criminal Fraud Trial https://www.cliffordchance.com/news/news/2024/06/clifford-chance-client-dr-Mike-Lynch-acquitted-in-criminal-fraud-trial.html [2] Not guilty: how tech mogul Mike Lynch's fortunes soared, fell https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/jun/06/mike-lynch-fraud-trial-acquittal-autonomy-explained [3] Who is Mike Lynch? The British tech giant missing from a sunken yacht https://apnews.com/article/mike-lynch-autonomy-hp-sunken-yacht-fc133ecd4288b2676b2c6f900ae8d45f [4] Steptoe Client Dr. Mike Lynch Acquitted in Criminal Fraud Trial https://www.steptoe.com/en/news-publications/steptoe-client-dr-mike-lynch-acquitted-in-criminal-fraud-trial.html [5] British tycoon Mike Lynch was celebrating acquittal in 'biggest-ever ... https://nypost.com/2024/08/20/world-news/british-tycoon-mike-lynch-was-celebrating-fraud-acquittal-when-yacht-went-down/
Interesting. Odd coincidence, probably not a coincidence.
Please tell us what you find!
When you look at those faces, they dont seem to be people who enjoy the water.
I guess it was not a shark attack which would be more credible
According to the Pew Research Center analysis, only 0.4% of federal criminal cases in 2022 ended in acquittal, which means the two executives were extremely lucky with the positive outcome.
However, not so much in the last several days, with Chamberlain killed by a vehicle while on a jog and Lynch missing after a tornado hit the superyacht he was on.
The name of the yacht was Bayesian a branch of statistics that still confuses me
Your reply contains that stat about how often federal criminal trials end in acquittals. Scary, huh? In another context, this is why I'm convinced the Samourai defendants will take a plea in the end. I hope I'm wrong.
2022 was a great year to be a federal prosecutor lol
Every year is a great year. The presumption of innocence is a fantasy. Your average US juror can't wait to convict. They believe in their hearts that if you are accused of a crime you are guilty. It's a whole generation brainwashed by bullshit CSI shows who paint the cops as the good guys, defense lawyers as slimebags, and defendants as dirtbags.
The process is the punishment