The last couple of days I have done everything to avoid work and even took Monday off. I went and visited lifelong friends who are stationed in Quantico, Virginia and more importantly hung out with their dog!!! Below is Huey (named after the helicopter… he is a Marine after all)!
For those wondering she is a 10/10 cuddler no matter the time of day or what is going on! The good girl is always down for some cuddles!
I'd love to avoid work but I'm back from a week of PTO, so all I have left is to wait for BTC to be worth much much more in fiat terms, so I can retire and not think about work again ;-)
Oh man I wish I had a week!!! I had Monday and this upcoming Friday but right now work is trying to not have us take off full weeks unless it official business :(
That's how I tend to be when visiting friends, too.
Yeahhh they know what to expect when I show up 😂😂
There's nothing like a dog. My little Staffy is like that. I don't know how she's going to react when we bring in our new canine on Thursday. The ladies may be jealous of each other.
Omg I need to see pictures of the new one!!! I am sure they will quickly become best friends!
I don't know. I hope so. They are two female bull breeds. I have to introduce them in a neutral space. I will send pictures!
Whoop whoop! I look forward to it! Yeah I could see the intro with bull breeds being a little tough at first but then those breeds just turn into such lovers!
Yes they do. They might compete for affection, though, so the humans need to be ready to dish some out.
Awe, sweet baby
Hanging with a dog isn't that bad I have a dog 🐶 he was very adorable like this one I wanna see his fully photo
I sadly don't have and full photos since she kept laying on me!
I need more flexibility in my work. I want to visit friends back up north, but I've been so busy on the hustle and bustle of my fiat mine...
Yeah that's the pain tbh I have PTO and I have sick leave but right now with work its quick spurts that need to be done asap followed by dead time 🙃
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