1. True. But:
  2. imho the accounting and taxation rules are what scares regular merchants to most. None of the standard software packages merchants typically use supports Bitcoin, or rather the various FIFO/capital gains calculations. And exporting csv records from BtcPay or LNBits powered PoS'es will not pass an audit (since they are not tamper-proof), and oftentimes not even accepted by their accountant.
So, for regular, non-ideological merchants it's just too much of a risk and hassle.
And since money lives off its network effect of being the "generally accepted good", regular users won't hold it, if they can't spend it widely.
But even in places where they can (El Salvador, Lugano, Prague) we do not see large actual use.. This makes me sad the most.
  1. Don't underestimate how much contactless card payments have eaten Bitcoin's lunch in terms of UX. It's so convenient, fast and reliable and has built a strong network effect. I even saw a church recently, where they had Donation terminals.
Ten year ago, scanning a QR code was super advacned tech and gave Bitcoin the avangarde, "cool" image. Now it's age old tech as ppl pay by the tap of their phones/watches.