Nice post. Sadly not many progressives are pro bitcoin.
According to a recent study Bitcoin is actually surprisingly balanced across the political spectrum:
Where did you get this chart from? At least from my perception I feel like it is more on the conservative side of things. I don't know many liberals that study or like bitcoin.
I remember this from a survey that was done recently, but I don't remember who did it exactly. Part of the issue is that "liberal" has become very poorly defined in American politics.
My suspicion is that this chart is very misleading. There's no obvious answer for libertarians, so they likely chose either "very conservative" or "very liberal" or "neutral".
Agreed. We discussed this before. You said you would select very liberal and I said I would select neutral.
I agree it was definitely an oversight to exclude libertarian from the options. The two axis political spectrum chart would've probably been more informative.
This chart is pointless. There are no libertarians on it.
That's like trying to find out whether people whose name starts with a letter earlier or later in the alphabet are more into Bitcoin and concluding Bitcoin is balanced across the political spectrum.
They seem to be in a bad place currently. Very strongly captured by the regime. Still, I think there should be a lot of appeal for the thoughtful ones.
Agree. They became captured because the regime threw them a couple bones. Hopefully that isn’t happening with bitcoiners and the politicians pandering to them.
Why do people think this? tribal blindness?
Could be. There is a lot of “if the other team supports something we can’t support it” in politics.
It's pretty ignorant for bitcoiners to fall into this thinking.