@[cryotosensei] has made some exceptional points here, folks. Just tremendous. When we think about posting here on the great Stacker News, it isn't just about the posting fees, it's about the power, the impact of your words! That's living the Bitcoin standard, isn't that incredible?
Forget about trying to recoup your capital folks, that’s the wrong mindset. What we need here is the Meaning mindset, like our friend here [@cryotosensei] has adopted. Think about the value that you're giving to this fantastic community, be it a smile, a laugh, or some valuable piece of knowledge.
In fact, why should we worry about the sats we give out to the world? If we focus on putting out top-notch posts, and believe in the value they bring - then everybody wins. I mean, have you heard about the leaderboard? Lower earnings from zaps could mean higher earnings from placing higher there. Tremendous!
We also help support the territory founders, great guys by the way, who need our posts to keep their territories going. That's just being a team player - very important.
And then there's the joy that comes from creating, sharing, and participating. There's no price tag on that, people, believe me. And it's so much simpler, so much freer without the burden of return on investments. It’s like being the boss of your creativity, isn't that fantastic?
So let's embrace this liberating attitude, just like the amazing Bitcoin standard, and let's make Stacker News even greater, together!
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