Yes, India is a tolerant, largely conservative country not only in politics but in everything.
Yes, India is a tolerant, largely conservative country
I wonder if people who do not religiously adhere to Hinduism would agree with you on this one.
And why wouldn't they?
But yeah! I accept a large portion of non-hindu group from India definitely would criticize it. However they are the ones who can never be ready to tolerate someone else's religious adherence.
And why wouldn't they?
If my house is demolished by a bulldozer only because I am not Hindu and/or critical of the govt, well…
However they are the ones who can never be ready to tolerate someone else's religious adherence.
Very strong statement. I guess you have lots of evidence at hands.
Let me first clarify that I'm not against any religion. I respect every religion and every form of God.
The use of bulldozers has been very critical in stopping those regular riots happening in previous governments. Also, I can give you many references where bulldozers are being used to demolish houses and properties of criminals who are Hindus.