Amazing! This is looking damn good for Harris in the comic books!!
He is just like pappu in india.
What's pappu in india?
Pappu is the the current opposition leader in india!!
It's the pet name for opposition leader 'mr. Rahul Gandhi'.
Although, pappu may refer to anyone who is a clown in English sense.
Cool cartoons. Not sure whether this one fits to the time frame but it’s good on its own.
Lol! This is hilarious! 😂😂
You've a good taste for cartoons!
Memes are really fun Currently at this time harris is wininngi
Currently at this time Harris is winning in cartoons!!
Excellent article.. 😅 I think that everything that can make us laugh... and forget about this reality where there are only worries... is worth supporting!! Congratulations and may more articles like this come out!!!
Thanks! While reading I always need some occasional refreshments and these comical representation of politics have always served to my taste. I always enjoy them and thought of sharing them!!
Even the cartoons are biased these days.
India's cartoons are supporting Trump though!
India is more conservative correct?
Yes, India is a tolerant, largely conservative country not only in politics but in everything.
Yes, India is a tolerant, largely conservative country
I wonder if people who do not religiously adhere to Hinduism would agree with you on this one.
And why wouldn't they?
But yeah! I accept a large portion of non-hindu group from India definitely would criticize it. However they are the ones who can never be ready to tolerate someone else's religious adherence.
And why wouldn't they?
If my house is demolished by a bulldozer only because I am not Hindu and/or critical of the govt, well…
However they are the ones who can never be ready to tolerate someone else's religious adherence.
Very strong statement. I guess you have lots of evidence at hands.
Let me first clarify that I'm not against any religion. I respect every religion and every form of God.
The use of bulldozers has been very critical in stopping those regular riots happening in previous governments. Also, I can give you many references where bulldozers are being used to demolish houses and properties of criminals who are Hindus.
Cartoon have always been political. Comics as a genre were born out of political newspaper caricatures
This is one of my favourite segments in the newspaper. Well done!
Es un presidente o un humorista. Creo que a los estados unidos no le ase falta más chou lo que le ase falta es un buen presidente con nuevas ideas y se preocupe más por sus ciudadanos y que le dé fin a las guerras que son financiadas por ese gobierno en curso. Paz y amor
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